Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Death Burger aka The double coronary

Liz and I recently took a trip to Atlanta for some sightseeing and to get away from DC for a weekend. We chose the wrong weekend to go, it rained everyday nonstop, that didn't deter us however, we still managed to see most of the major sites and hang outs. I know my blog is supposed to be about local DC eateries, but this deserves a spot here. While in Atlanta, I made it a point to go to The Varsity, that was weak, it was more of a tourist trap then a good place to get food, Liz was disappointed, and I left thinking I missed something about it. After the varsity we ran off to the world of coke, I tried all the flavors, or at least the ones I could because it seemed like everyone and their mother also had the same idea we did because the place was packed! I was a tad disappointed that I could not get my Fanta Melon soda there, Coke needs to produce this in America or at least I need to find a Japanese importer willing to hook me up.

Getting to the real post, The Vortex Bar and Grill as seen on Man Vs. Food - Atlanta episode. After seeing the episode I wanted to attempt to make the burgers I saw on that show, but I never got around to it. When Liz suggested we go to Atlanta, I of course agreed because I knew I would end up eating there. It was the right decision in mind, maybe not in body however. So, the burger, it is unlike anything I have eaten before, to start it was a bacon cheeseburger, simple enough, but there was 5 slices of bacon, 4 slices of American cheese, now that is just the burger. To further my last post about the fried eggs, the Vortex burger was accompanied by 2 fried eggs, and yes fried eggs make a burger taste better (Ray's Hell Burger - Listen Up). Oh no this hasn't stopped there, the buns? Two grilled cheese sandwiches! Simply put, best cheeseburger I have had at a non-fast food establishment, kudos Vortex. Now, how does one feel after eating this? If you have seen the episode of the boondocks - Itis, then you know, if you are unfamiliar with that cartoon, then I was a little laggy for a bit, but nothing to bad, no stomach problems, long term effects, I will probably need the burgers name sooner rather than later, but it was worth it. However, after the glares I got from Liz, I don't think I will be doing it again anytime soon. Flickr set: Vortex Bar and Grill

Vortex Bar and Grill

878 Peachtree Street

Atlanta, GA 30309 - Midtown location

Take Orange line to Midtown and it is a short walk

Insider tip: 18 and over ONLY - yes no children allowed, I enjoyed the fact that I got to sit underneath a black velvet picture of a naked woman whilst eating my burger - fun times


Anonymous said...

ok josh that burger looks like it could kill two men! how the hell did you eat it. I give liz props for sitting there with her egg omlet and take photos. all in all it looked good but not good enough to eat in one sitting

Wade Heath said...

Man I'm hungry!

Johnna Knows Good Food: Yum Yum, Gimme Some! said...

When you come back to DC you should try Z Burger, their burgers are just as good and allow you to indulge without feeling like you need to be carried out of the restaurant, lol...